Bouncing Back From Spring Break

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Now that you’re back from Spring Break, you may find it a little challenging to set your mind to finishing your classes. Here are some tips to help you get back on track and finish the semester strong! 

Review and map out the rest of the semester

Stay organized by making a list of the remaining projects, assignments, and exams you have for the semester. You can keep track of these lists and their deadlines in a calendar or planner. It doesn’t hurt to break down your larger projects into smaller tasks to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed. 

Set (S.M.A.R.T) goals

S.M.A.R.T goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. S.M.A.R.T goals may vary from person to person. They are meant to be specific to your needs so that you can be personally motivated, and feel proud of yourself when you look back at the progress you made to achieve them. 

Example of a S.M.A.R.T goal: 

Specific: “Improve my understanding of calculus concepts”

Measurable: “Earn a grade of B or higher on all Calculus assignments this semester”

Achievable: “Study the concepts for an hour a day, and attend weekly tutoring sessions

Relevant: “Improve knowledge in calculus concepts to prepare for success in future courses and career.

Time-bound: “Complete practice problems daily to prepare for finally exam in 8 weeks

Take care of yourself

Just because Spring Break is over, it doesn’t mean you have to give up all your time to academics. Make sure you are taking routine breaks to allow yourself to decompress. Go for a walk, practice meditation at the Well or deep breathing exercises, or even take a trip to the UAF makerspace (aka the MILL) to allow your creative side to flow.

Reach out for help when you need it

Make sure you are reaching out to your professor/TA if you feel as if you are falling behind. UAF offers many student support services to both online and in-person students. You can find more information here.

Celebrate your achievements

Remember to acknowledge all of your accomplishments throughout the semester! Whether you’ve improved your grades or mastered a difficult concept, you deserve to celebrate everything you have achieved. As you work towards the end of the semester, it is important to continuously reinforce yourself positively so that you can gain the confidence and motivation to finish strong.

Bouncing Back from Spring Break
“Green Up” season arrives at UAF as the trees across the Troth Yeddha Campus begin to sprout their leaves after a long spring semester, 5/17/23. (UAF Photo by Leif Van Cise)


  • Hayley Stock

    Registration Services Coordinator
    Hayley's interest in working with people sparked when she worked as a student at Colorado State University, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology. After graduating, Hayley moved back to her hometown and began a career at UAF as a Human Resources Coordinator. Higher education has always been a passion of Hayley's, and she's excited to serve students as the Registration Services Coordinator at UAF eCampus.

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