Anyone can take eCampus courses! Whether you’re new to online classes, close to graduating, or just curious about a topic, we’re here to support all learners. Select the student category that you identify with to get started. 

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Current Students

During the registration period, current students enrolled in a program in the University of Alaska (UA) system can register at UAOnline.

UAF degree-seeking students must do the following:

  1. Meet with your academic advisor to plan your semester as soon as possible; even online classes fill up fast! You can look up your advisor.
  2. Register at UAOnline. You can get quick registration help.

Non-UAF and Non-Degree Students

Enroll by doing the following:

  1. Complete the registration steps
  2. After the registration form is processed, you’ll be sent a confirmation with the next steps to enroll in courses

New Students

If you want to work towards a degree, you’ll need to apply to UAF first. 

If you just want to take a class, see the “Non-UAF and Non-Degree Students” section

High School Students

High school is a great time to start earning college credit. Learn more about the Alaska Advantage program which offers dual enrollment and package pricing for students in partner school districts.


All students must register through the UAOnline portal. If you haven’t registered for courses on UAOnline before please refer to the following video.

Quick note about placement exams:

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Empty headiQuick Tip:

New students have to take placement exams before registering for some math, science and English courses. 

Learn more 

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Classes with NO required weekly meeting times

The below classes are offered online and do not require a specific meeting time.

Classes with required weekly meeting times

The below classes are offered online at specific meeting times. Times and schedules for these classes can be found on UAOnline.