Meet Sean, the maestro overseeing media and innovation at eCampus. His commitment to staying on the technological pulse guarantees faculty and students access to cutting-edge resources.
Q: What do you do at eCampus?
A: I am the Associate Director of Learning Innovation at the Center for Teaching and Learning. I manage a team of talented folks who collaborate with faculty to shoot, edit, and publish instructional media for course and research projects, as well as design entire online courses, including our portfolio of free and open AlaskaX courses. I also work to evaluate and guide usage of software tools that can enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Q: How do you work with students?
A: I work behind the scenes, but many UAF students have likely seen products that I have been involved in creating. If you’ve watched a lightboard video for a course where the instructor is writing on a piece of glass, or taken an interactive video quiz in PlayPosit, then our team’s work has reached you.
Q: How can students connect with you?
A: I’m in our offices in Bunnell 131 every day of the week. Stop by and I’ll show you our Teaching & Learning Studio, which is available for students to make their own lightboard videos.
Q: What do you like about working at UAF eCampus?
A: I like the culture of work here. We have a constant focus on improvement. There is also little regard for “the way things are” being used as a reason for anything. That gives us permission to initiate positive change as well as embrace change in a thoughtful way. I also work with a group of incredibly talented, gracious, and caring people which makes me better at my job. I also love working on the Troth Yeddha’ campus and am grateful everyday to be surrounded by all of the interesting people who gather here.
Q: What’s one thing you’re learning now or learned recently?
A: Over the past year I have learned how to print objects using a 3D printer. In addition to the simple fun of playing with technology, I have found that the experience of conceiving, designing and then creating a novel or useful object generates a meaningful sense of self-actualization. I am in control of a creative process in which my ideas become physically realized. This is an experience many creative people have, but was new and eye-opening for me.
Q: What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
A: Bell Bottoms
Q: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
A: The ability to fly so that I could fly to the store anytime I wanted and buy books (my seven year-old daughter came up with this one for me).