Does your UAF online course require proctored exams? Do you need to take a CLEP test? UAF eCampus Exam Services is a monitored space for students to take exams. Here are the most common questions about Exam Services. If you don’t see your question, drop us a line at We’re here to answer!
How do I take proctored exams for my online course at UAF?
- If you are in Fairbanks:
- eCampus has an Exam Center in the Bunnell Building (eCampus, room 131)
- View the Exam Services main page for current hours. You need to make an appointment in advance.
- Bring your photo ID
- Check the Exam services website for up-to-date policies, directions, and parking info.
- If you are not in Fairbanks:
- You will need to identify a proctor in advance – we can help you with this! Usually a school or local library in your area can administer exams.
- You need to request exam materials at least 7 days prior to your testing date
- Visit to request your exam materials.
How do I find a proctor if I don’t live in Fairbanks?
- We recommend that you use a test center near you. If you are not near a test center, college, or university that provides proctoring to students, you will need to look for a proctor.
- Tip for finding a proctor: Start with local schools (teachers and admin/student support staff can be proctors), Universities or Community Colleges with exam centers or test centers. Another source is the local library. If those don’t work, consider asking your supervisor if you work to proctor your exam.
- Proctors need to provide a quiet, observable space for you to complete your exams.
- If your exam is an online test (versus paper), your proctor needs to provide a computer equipped with Google Chrome for you to take your test.
- If your exam is paper-based, a proctor needs to be able to print it out for you and agree to return the completed exam within 24 hours of you finishing it.
- If you need help finding a proctor, send your location and surrounding areas (town names, etc.) we will look in our database to see if there is a pre-approved test center near you.
- Fellow students, co-workers, sports coaches, friends, and family members cannot proctor your exam.
Who can proctor exams?
When looking for a proctor, we recommend students start by looking at the following:
- Local K-12 schools, Community Colleges, Universities: teachers or admin/student support staff are eligible to proctor
- Testing Centers (most higher education establishments have an on-site testing center)
- Libraries (local or school)
- Work supervisor or someone in a higher leadership position
Who cannot proctor exams?
Those who cannot be a proctor are peers; including fellow students, friends or family members, co-workers, or sports coaches.
What is needed to approve a proctor?
UAF eCampus approves proctors who work at a testing facility, education center, or a location that provides services to students. Alternate individuals may not be family or closely acquainted with a student they have been asked to proctor; be over 21 years of age. We do not approve coaches or trainers for student athletes.
What does a proctor need to be able to do?
Proctors will need to provide a quiet, observable space for you to complete your exams. They will also need to be able to provide a computer equipped with Google Chrome should your instructor have online exams. If your exam is paper-based, a proctor must have the means to print it out for you as well as agree to return completed exams within 24 hours of them being taken.
How do placement tests work?
Please see our Math and English Placement page for details.
How will I take exams that are required for graduation?
Departments are working on a plan in conjunction with Graduation Services. If you have not heard anything from your department by the end of the month, contact your department.
Where can I find more information?
For general information about the Exam Services including types of exams, go to