Level Up With Microcredentials

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Level Up With Microcredentials
“Books in a video game” prompt, Adobe Firefly, 14 Nov. 2023, firefly.adobe.com

Over the past year, some UAF faculty have been piloting microcredentials in their courses. As this initiative continues to grow in popularity, you may have a class that gives you the opportunity to earn a microcredential. However, there can be a lot of confusion when it comes to what they are, their value, and how to use them. 

What is a microcredential?

A microcredential is a verifiable skill, knowledge base, or competency that is displayed through the use of a digital badge. 

Why should I use it? 

Did you know that 33% of graduates felt comfortable talking about their experiences and education in job interviews? Combine that with how challenging it is to remember let alone condense a 2, 4, 6+ year educational experience into a single resume and interview. 

Enter microcredentials! Microcredentials are highlights of expertise that have been acquired through the course of an academic career. When you share a badge, your potential employer can click on it to view what you can do because of this badge and how you were accessed. This can help you stand apart from the crowd. While others can only say I have this experience, you can say it and back it up through a verifiable source. 

By having verifiable experience, you can confidentiality talk about the strengths you bring to the table. Your application can stand on its own as it has the data to back up that you are the strongest candidate. 

Microcredentials can also assist with networking or a job search. Since 2019, we have seen a 25% increase in recruiters searching for potential candidates on LinkedIn by skills rather than education completed or years in an industry. By promoting specific talents, you have a greater chance of industry partners seeking you out to discuss potential opportunities. 

How can I use it? 

Within 24 hours of a badge being awarded an email will be sent to your preferred email account from admin@credly.com. You will be able to choose to accept or decline your badge. No one else has the ability to accept or reject your badges. You are in the driver’s seat. 

If you choose to accept the badge, you can publish it and share it to social media platforms, professional networking sites, and add it to a digital resume or an email signature. The more you share, the more you will get noticed.

Accept the badge but not ready to share yet? That is okay too! How and when you choose you leverage your badges is completely up to you. 

Not interested today? You can decline your badge. However, if you change your mind at a later date, you can log into your account, reverse the decline, and start sharing right away. 

Helpful resources

Have questions about using microcredentials? Faith is here to help! She can be reached at fafleagle@alaska.edu

Visit Credly’s student FAQs for more information on how to use their platform. 


Maurer, R. (2023, March 28). Skills-Based Hiring Requires Commitment to Change. SHRM. Retrieved October 30, 2023, from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/talent-acquisition/pages/skills-based-hiring-requires-commitment-to-change.aspx

McFadyen, D. (2021, August 1). Edalex 2021 Employability Outcomes Survey. Edalex. Retrieved October 30, 2023, from https://www.edalex.com/whitepapers/edalex-2021-employability-outcomes-survey/


  • Faith Fleagle

    Microcredentialing & Faculty Outreach Specialist
    Faith joined the eCampus team in 2016. She brought with her a diverse background in student support and success. Within eCampus, she has worked as the Student Success Specialist, Exam Services Manager, and Program Success Coordinator. In Spring 2024, she joined the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Design Team (DT). Within the DT, Faith focuses on faculty communication and recruitment, oversees the microcredentialing program for the Troth Yeddha campus, and assists with the LEAP program.

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