Staff Spotlight: Dan LaSota

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Meet Dan, our go-to person for all things related to research on AI in education and the undisputed master of snarky comebacks. Whether delving into AI’s impact on learning or engaging in office banter, Dan seamlessly combines in-depth knowledge with a razor-sharp wit.

Q: What do you do at eCampus?

A: Part of the time I work directly with faculty, helping them up their teaching game. I do spend a bit of time writing and researching good teaching methods and putting that in forms that hopefully are available and usable by instructors. I also do some tech and creative stuff in the background that helps online classes.

Q: How do you work with students?

A: Well.

Q: How can students connect with you?

A: The best way is by my University email:

Q: What do you like about working at UAF eCampus?

A: The best part is the mission. At the end of the day we help instructors teach and students learn. The endeavor of education is a noble one. There is always something new to learn and different ways of accomplishing our big projects. No day is the same.

Q: What was your first job?

A: My first regular job was working at McDonalds. But I also used to write up small dungeons and dragons maps and would sell little campaigns to people in school.

Q: What’s your favorite class you’ve ever taken?

A: Probably one of my Astronomy classes a long time ago, but I also had a great time in Dr. Severin’s Introduction to Electron Microscopy here at UAF.

Q: What food have you tried that was the furthest out of your comfort zone?

A: Depends at what age. When I was 5, pizza was out of my comfort zone. I long ago crossed the sushi demarcation line, but I don’t think I would ever be able to eat some of the stuff they have on Survivor (the TV Show, even for a million bucks).

Q: What is your favorite nation to play in Civilization 6 and why?

A: Definitely Rome. Every startup city gets a monument, you get free roads (back to Rome, of course), and the centurion which replaces the normal swordsman unit gives Rome a huge advantage in early battles when the search for resources on early maps counts the most.

Q: What are you doing for personal enrichment?

A: I’m taking advantage of the great Music Department here at UAF and am studying viola! Watch Dan play “Sche ne very Ukraini” (Ukraine anthem) in front of the ambassador of Russia’s residence in Washington, D.C.

Q: Are you more of a cat or dog person?

A: I’m more of an Eagle person. But I like cats and dogs too.

Q: Do you do any volunteer stuff?

A: I’m a Commissioner on the Alaska Public Offices Commission. I also just signed up to volunteer teaching English to people in Ukraine through

Dan LaSota
Dan improves his viola performance by using Eagle Summit, Alaska as his concert hall


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