Do you use a calendar? If you use an online calendar, add your courses to it and then block out a reasonable amount of hours to support your efforts in that course. Most classes will take between nine and twelve hours per week. This may include class time, or it may relate to heavy reading or writing activities for the week.
In addition to blocking in when your class happens, if it is in real-time (online synchronous or face-to-face), block time for reading and doing assignments on your calendar. Look at the syllabus for when you have tests or larger projects are planned. Block out time on your calendar now [1] for: 1) working with others, 2) editing your work, and 3) coordinating with a test center or scheduling a proctor to take exams during midterms and finals.
As a UAF student you should have access to Google Calendar. If you already use it and want a visual how-to for time-blocking, see the quick read in Learning with Angie [2]: Easy Time Blocking Method Using Google Calendar.
How about low-tech? If your instructor has a calendar as part of the syllabus, print it out and clip it inside of your planner. If you carry it around with you and make notes on it, you’ll find yourself better prepared for class and assignments. Want to read about using your planner? Make time specifically for studying, it becomes more difficult to skip it. For example, you could say: “I will study at 4 pm after my afternoon lecture at…” and add a place where you know you can focus, like the library. Of course you could choose your favorite tea shop or bookstore nearest to your house.
[1] (2021, Sep 15). Griffin, Thomas, “Three Ways to Use Time Blocking for Better Time Management”, Forbes.
[2] (2023, Mar 15). “Easy Time Blocking Method for Students,”
Student Services Manager
Janene oversees UAF eCampus Exam Services and the Front Counter experience for staff, faculty, students, and the public. Exam Services proctors community/professional exams and paper/online tests for UAF eCampus students, UAA/UAS students taking online courses, students entering UAF who need placement or library competency exams, etc.